Glad to announce our project has been awarded funding by NovoNordiskFond!
Glad to announce our project has been awarded funding by NovoNordiskFond! Focused on advancing women's reproductive tract health...

Exciting news! Delighted to be awarded Carlsberg Grant for our project 'MIMOTA'
Exciting news! Delighted to be awarded Carlsberg Grant for our project 'MIMOTA' to enable high-res 3D, time-lapse & large-area imaging of...

Our study in Nature Communication: Study Lays the Basis for New Knowledge on Gastrointestinal Diseases.
NOW ONLINE: @https://rb.gy/8elt8o, reveals how cells at the hashtag#gastroesophageal junction communicate and develop from embryo to...

Naveen sucessfully defended his PhD thesis: Congratulations
On 27th March, Naveen gave his thesis presentation and defended successfully. His PhD thesis title is Mechanistic regulation of...

A novel method for Single object profiles regression analysis (SOPRA)
Our Publication providing methods for analyzing high-content cell-based screens is available online.

Great progress thanks to mini organs.
Great progress, thanks to mini organs. Blueprint of the first Human and Mouse-derived ecto- and endo-#cervical#organoids, their genetic...

Cancer: When viruses and bacteria cooperate
Our publication went live @NatureComms https://rdcu.be/cHFFY, illustrating how HPV and Chlamydia form a malicious alliance to drive...

Our Protocol for organ wide RNA and protein spatial analysis in FRT is live at STAR Protocols
Glad to share our recent publication in @STARProtocols for visualizing precise spatial patterns of an organ-wide gene and protein...